This afternoon, we took Janie to her first pediatrician appointment. The first thing they did was weigh her and measure her length. We had to take all her clothes off including her diaper and she ended up peeing all over the exam table. Oops.
Dr. Kaplan is a really cool doc and she was impressed with Janie’s weight gain in such a short amount of time. Turns out they gave us the wrong weight at birth. She actually weighed 7 lbs, 10 oz. instead of 7 lbs, 1 oz. at birth. The nurse missed a zero that day and gave us the wrong reading. At discharge, Janie weighed 7 lbs, 1 oz., which was a loss of 7%. The docs weren’t worried and just recommended that I continue feeding her as I had been in the hospital. At the doctor’s office, which was 24 hours after discharge, she had gained back 4 whole ounces!!! Woohoo! That meant my milk had come in and that she was eating well. So she is now at 7 lbs. 5 oz. and we have another weight check on Friday. Hopefully she’ll be back to birth weight and well on her way to becoming a chunky monkey.