Mama got some good belly laughs out of Peanut today.
lip smacking
Peanut was happily playing in his bed this afternoon when Mama heard a funny lip smacking. He just started doing this today.
This afternoon, Mama propped Peanut up on the sofa with a bunch of pillows and offered him a toy. At one point, he was holding the ball and bringing it to his mouth. He also got distracted and preferred socializing at the end of this video.
entertaining brother
Janie has been pretty good at entertaining her little brother lately.
This morning she showed him Little Guy and he seemed amused.
In the car this afternoon, Peanut was watching his sister’s every move and the two of them had a little “conversation” together.
What’s so funny?!
This morning, Peanut was cracking up with Ta. We’re still not sure what was so funny but the laughing was definitely contagious.
Quality Time
It’s great to have this extended time with the grandparents.
Ama and Peanut spent a lot of time together today.
Peanut and Ankong also had a nice conversation before dinner.
I love hearing and seeing this little boy smile and laugh.
What a ham…
This baby is so entertained by his own image. We don’t have a mirror at home so we use the front-facing camera on the iPad to keep him entertained during Tummy Time.
Chatting with Dada
Peanut was in a great mood this morning. He did some tummy time on Dada’s tummy and had a lot to say.
Lots to say
Peanut was supposed to be taking a nap but instead, he was extra chatty this afternoon.