cleaning and x-rays


This morning, Janie went to see Uncle Randy for her semi-annual visit.  We got there early enough for her to enjoy the video game machine for a couple minutes.


Today, she sat on Mama’s lap for the cleaning but did a great job following directions and allowing the hygienist to do all the cleaning without needing to do the song and dance beforehand.


She even learned how to put her lips on the suction tube each time she rinsed her mouth with water.


Today was also the day she had her first x-rays taken. She sat in the chair all by herself (Mama sat outside the room) and held still for most of the pictures. No cavities!!


Uncle Randy later came in to count and inspect her teeth and gums. When he was all done, Janie got a prize, new toothbrush, and an Elsa sticker (of course)!


Afterward, we stopped at Target to pick up a few things and then had lunch at a pho place by the freeway. She must have been hungry because she ate 1 1/2 spring rolls and her entire bowl of noodles, beef, and soup.


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