Janie’s Playground


Janie loves this playground. Whenever we walk past it, she gets really excited. Funny how she spends every afternoon here with Mirian and never seems to get tired of it.


It’s the perfect park for a little girl her age and level of development.  The entire space is gated off and made with a squishy floor and sand.  There’s a little wall in the shape of a spiral for almost-endless cruising.  The older kids like to walk on it too.

Cruising at the Playground a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Janie’s favorite part is the rope ladder in the middle.  It seems like Janie could just hang out here all day.


She’s just started riding the horsies.  She holds on really well but I can’t quite let go of her yet.

my playground

This photo says it all.  Looks like she’s saying, “This is MY playground, everybody!”  Just wait until she starts walking!!!

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