3rd Day of Preschool


This morning, Dada had an early meeting in the office so Mama and Yai drove her to school and Mama did the drop-off.  She tried to be brave but had such a sad look on her face.  She showed me her cubby and the door to her classroom.


She’s an alligator this year.  Before I left, she grabbed my leg and said, “don’t go” and had a few tears.  I said goodbye and the teacher consoled her.


Dada picked her up this afternoon and the teacher reported that she was fine after the initial tears.  They actually walked home today, which took about an hour since she was so distracted by everything she saw on the way home.


Luckily, our umbrella stroller arrived this afternoon and now they will have a little help getting her to and from school within a reasonable amount of time.

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