ED Visit


Last night, Peanut had a low-grade fever and I also noticed that his left big toe had a blister, was red, and warm to the touch. This morning, it was still looking pretty bad and he wouldn’t let me touch his foot. On the way to Janie’s soccer lesson/practice, I realized the hospital was our best bet for getting the toe looked at before the end of the long weekend. So, we went to the Children’s Hospital (where he was born) Emergency Department to find out if there was an urgent care clinic. They did not but their ED was not busy. So, we checked ourselves in to have the docs take a look at his toe. Initially, he did not want anyone to touch or talk to him.


Then a Child Life Specialist came in with bubbles and a cool driving toy to distract him. The docs got a good look at the toe and said it was a really bad ingrown toenail that had gotten infected.  They drained the pus out with a needle and bandaged him up with topical antibiotics.


We were out of there lickety split and in under 30 minutes.


Now we have to soak his foot twice per day to drain the pus some more and watch it heal. Hopefully the toe nail will grow back ok and won’t cause him any more pain.

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