Future Foodie


This afternoon was filled with lots of grown-up food.


At lunchtime, she had a taste of some fancy macaroni and cheese and also sat quietly in her highchair while Mommy and Daddy ate.


For dinner, we went to a nice neighborhood Italian restaurant and she did surprisingly well.


First, she snacked on apple slices that we brought from home and the french bread that was given to us.


Next, she ate her pasta off of a real plate and tried her best to use a fork.



Then, she had some of Mommy’s linguine in clam sauce and LOVED it.


She cleaned her plate of noodles like a champ.


After the noodles, she was getting a little grouchy and we had to resort to bringing out G-raffe.  Luckily, the dessert menu was entertaining enough to keep her on track.


When dessert arrived, she stole a flute cookie off the ice cream dish and ate the whole thing.  Wowzers.  I guess she deserved that treat for being such a good little diner.

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