In the evening, we walked down to Heavenly Village to check out the ice rink. It began to snow on our walk over and Janie tried to taste it as it came down.
The rink was going to be open one more hour so we decided to give it a try. The nice man also gave us a discount because there was only an hour left. That was plenty for us! Here is Janie with her ice skates on!!
She was determined to stay on her feet and held onto the wall whenever Mama needed to let go of her hand.
She had a great time going around and around and didn’t fall much the first two laps around the rink.
We took a little break and Janie insisted on going one more time. She looked pretty tired but we gave it a try anyway.
This is where she ended up most of the last lap. Luckily, she was still in good spirits and each fall seemed like it was in slow motion. Her only complaint was that her hand was getting cold from holding onto the rail. Snow was falling pretty hard by then so she was pretty much plowing the snow on the rail with her bare hand.
After her first time on the rink, we walked to the grocery store for some milk and snacks. She was so happy to be sitting in the cart. Poor girl must have been so tired from all the fun stuff she did in the snow today. When we got back to the hotel, all she wanted to do was eat some pretzels and hummus (her dinner) and then go to bed.