Kid’s Club


This morning, we visited the Kids’ Club.  Janie followed Ariel to the 3rd floor to check it out.


They’re dressed alike today!


At the Kids’ Club, Janie had to fake her way in as a 3-year-old. She did fine playing with the kitchen and the other little girls.  I hid by the front door because grown-ups are not allowed to stay with the kids.  She played for 15-20 minutes before I noticed all the girls looking over at her with concern on their faces.  I peeked over and found Janie looking around with tears flowing down her face.  She didn’t actually cry out loud but it looked like she was getting there.  We left shortly after that happened since Ariel also wasn’t loving her “alone” time.  Oh well, it’s only fair.  It’s not a school day today.


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