Messy Dinner

It was time for a bath this evening so it was the perfect opportunity for a messy dinner.  As an OT, I’ve encouraged parents for years to allow their kiddos to get messy during mealtimes at least a few times per week for good sensory development.  Well, it’s finally my turn with my own baby and it was so much fun!  So, Janie sat in her chair with just a diaper on and she got her own spoon while I fed her sweet potato.

Her hands were in the bowl and she loved chewing on the spoon.  I think she thoroughly enjoyed it and and ate most of her food at the same time.

Here’s a video of the sweet potato action.  She sometimes gags herself with the spoon but it’s all part of learning to eat.  As you can see, it doesn’t really stop her from playing.  Click here if you can’t see he video above.

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