new “school”

I’ve been talking to Janie about going to “school” for the past two weeks in preparation for the start of a new phase in her life.  Today I had the day off so we planned a visit to the school for a little warm-up session. It’s located a mile from Mommy’s work and costs significantly less per day.


But first things first!  Janie’s gotta have a hearty bowl of oatmeal for breakfast!!



When we arrived, I showed her the covered patio where the cubbies and shoes are located.  Everyone was inside practicing the alphabet in Spanish so she explored the kitchen area, which is the first room you enter before going into the livingroom/circle time area.  I didn’t get any photos of the living room area and the kids today but Janie was happy to receive a sticker like everyone else when they were done with their songs.



This is where she will eat breakfast in the morning.


It was soon time for free play and snack outside.  On the way out, Janie met their dog Ninna (spelled differently but pronounced just like Mama’s name).


She’s a gentle little dog and was so still when Janie pet her.


Outside, Janie immediately spotted a ball and went for it.


Then the slide was the next thing she noticed and was a big fan.


They started snack time and Janie sat down to join them.  They all had watermelon, banana, animal crackers, and Os. I talked to Tia Maria about the age range of the kids and they’re all either almost 2, just turned 2, or moving on to preschool next month.  It’s great that they’re all so close in age!


Next was coloring and all the kids shared crayons and Janie went to town on all the paper and coloring pages.


Before we left, Janie explored the second house, which had a pretend kitchen.  Tia Maria brought out all the play food and cookware and Janie was hooked!


I think she’s going to have a good time and learn a lot while she’s here at My First Steps.  I know she’ll probably cry on the first day, week, or even month but it’ll be good for her.  It all starts next Wednesday and she’ll be going two days per week for the month of August.  Wish us luck!  I may be just as much of a wreck during the morning drop-off.

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