We got free admission to Members’ Night at the Academy so Janie got to go to the aquarium on a school night. They had lots of extra stuff there like coloring, presentations, and free kid and adult juice!!
First thing she wanted to see were the penguins.
On our way out of the exhibit, she found the giraffes. It still makes her so happy.
She said that was a Mama GG, Dada GG, and a KK GG.
The daytime lights were turned off so the large tank had a different look to it. It didn’t matter for Janie because she was still so happy to label all the fish that she could see.
Before heading home, we stopped at the dance party in the atrium. Initially, Janie only wanted to watch but then eventually joined them with a whole lot of spinning.
What a fun evening! On our way out, we said “goodnight” to the T-Rex in the front.