Disney’s CA Adventure

Today, Mama took the kids to Disney’s California Adventure Park to take a walk. It’s not officially open but they had Buena Vista open for shopping.

We had to keep our masks on and they were very strict about not eating or drinking in the area. None of the food places were open and if they sold snacks, they had to be sealed and taken outside of the park to be eaten.

It was pretty empty and kinda eerie to be there.

Leela and Alice joined us later and Uncle Johnny bought everyone these cool plushies that can sit on your shoulder.

Too bad even the trolley wasn’t open or running. At least we got a cute photo of the kids.

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Janie went to a skate shop with Dada yesterday and picked out a real skateboard.

Mama took her to Target today to get her a new helmet too. She has outgrown her “watermelon helmet” that she got when she was two years old. 🙂

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We took a drive to Chinatown today in search of Bruce Lee, almond cookies, a broom, and tasty Thai food.

The freeways were so empty that it took only 20 mins to get there from Cerritos and Chinatown was equally empty.

We found Bruce Lee pretty quickly and got some photos taken.

We also went to Phoenix Bakery and got some yummy almond cookies and other treats.

For lunch, we went to LAX-C and had some Thai street food. SOOOOO TASTY.

Peanut also go to eat the strawberry cake he wanted from the bakery.

At LAX-C, we went on the hunt for a specific broom that Yai asked for. We found it toward the entrance and made sure it was the same one that Yai has at home. Perfect!

We checked everything off the list today and had so much fun too!

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