Happy Bath

We were given the A-OK to wash Janie more often at the last doctor’s visit.  She did, however, warn us that newborns generally don’t like baths and it was true for ours.  She’s had a handful of baths now and each time she would cry and cry until taken out and wrapped up in her towel.  However, this morning was the exception.  I washed her hair first and she actually seemed to enjoy the gentle head massage.

Then, when I sat her in the tub of water, she was silent.  Amazing.  I pretty much waited for to cry but then realized she wasn’t going to and got started on washing her.  She was so cute just sitting in the tub and tolerated just about everything I put her through.  Her armpits were extra stinking this morning and she didn’t mind the extra time I spent on cleaning them.  Hopefully this is the start of bath times being more fun than traumatic for everyone involved.

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Party Girl

Our doctor told us that Janie’s ready to stretch out her feeds to 3-4 hours at a time so we’ve been trying to train her during the day in hopes that she’ll only wake up every 4 hours at night.  She does GREAT during the day but the evenings are a little harder after dinnertime.  Then she’ll fall asleep after her 9:00 pm feeding and wake up at midnight.  Not bad. Then it’s a repeat again at 3:00 am and 6:00 am.  Well, last night, she went to sleep at 9:00 pm as usual, woke at 12:00 am for a feeding but then partied until 1:30 am!!  This photo was taken last night while we were hanging out in bed at the wee morning hours with a wired 5-week-old.  I gave in a fed her again at 1:30 and she finally fell asleep around 2:00 am.  The best part was that she slept for FOUR HOURS and didn’t wake up until 6:00 am!!  I actually got a 4-hour chunk of sleep this morning!  Yippee!!

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At 5 weeks of age, Janie has grown big enough to wear the hoodie that she got from her second cousin Sadie.  It was perfect for today’s walk outside and her first trip to the SF Museum of Modern Art.

Too bad she slept through the whole thing.  She would have enjoyed the twinkling lights on display in the entrance.

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35 days

Today, Janie is 5 weeks old!  She was fast asleep for this photo and way too peaceful to disturb.  She now weighs 11 pounds and measures 21.5 inches long.  She still fits some of her newborn clothes but today I took out her 3-month clothes to see which ones she could start wearing today.  We’re going to have to pack away some of her newborn clothes very soon.  *sniff sniff*

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Play Time!

taken on 5/21/12

Lately Janie has been having these really alert times during the day.  We’re learning that she LOVES to go on outings.  Instead of sleeping in the car or sleeping in the stroller, she’s usually wide awake and looking around.  Now that she can see a little better, she’s taking full advantage.  She sleeps in an all-in-one pack ‘n play that has a built-in mobile and music player.  We’ve been turning it on this week and I’ve found her just happily watching the colorful bugs go around in circles.

taken on 5/22/12

I also brought out the floor gym that my cousin Marie handed down to us.  Janie spent about 10 minutes staring and flailing her arms and legs around.  She’s not quite ready to bat at stuff yet but it seems this is a good start.

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