It’s official!

Today, we went to City Hall and the Office of Vital Records to pick up Janie’s birth certificate.  I filled out some paperwork while we were still in the hospital but it wasn’t going to be ready until 4 weeks after her birthday.  When we got there, there was no line!  Yay!  Within 5 minutes, Janie had her birth certificate in her hot little hands to show off to the world.

We also took her around San Francisco City Hall for the first time since this is her birth city and all.

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Her head and cheeks are getting bigger and heavier but she’s still able to keep up with them during Tummy Time.  And look who has eyebrows now!  They were really light when she was born but now you can really see them.

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One-Month Check-up

This afternoon we took Janie to see the doctor for her one-month check-up.  The doctor was very impressed with her growth.  Just look at those cheeks and that belly!

Here are the stats:

Weight: 11 pounds!! (7 lbs. 10 oz. at birth)
Length: 21.5 inches (20 inches at birth)
Head Circumference: 36.5 cm (33.5 at birth)

At the end of the appointment she got a Heb B injection in her left thigh.  She started out so happy and calm even with the needle in her leg (as you can see in the photo) and actually didn’t start crying until the nurse pushed the solution into her leg.  Then it was all tears, screaming, and a beet-red face!  Even Jes was taken aback by the injection and picked her up right away. Poor baby!

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One Month Celebration

Today, our baby girl turned one month old.  I can’t believe we’ve reached this point already!  To celebrate, we went out for dim sum and invited all her local aunties, uncles, and future playmates.

The food was tasty as usual and it was fun to see all the kids and their parents around the table.

It was a warm, sunny day so some of us walked to the restaurant together and back. Janie stayed awake for the whole stroller ride.

Here’s a photo of the three of us together.  Janie couldn’t be bothered to pose for the photo.  Apparently, the skylight above was far more interesting.

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Hula Girl

Janie likes to be upright even when she sleeps so she sometimes naps in the stroller.  Today I found her practicing her hula in her sleep.  That’s my girl!  Can’t wait to take her to practice when she’s older.

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