A certain baby did not want to go back to sleep this morning.
Look at that mischievous grin.
Watch us grow!
A certain baby did not want to go back to sleep this morning.
Look at that mischievous grin.
Check out that belly! She just had breakfast and has such a content look on her face.
Little Janie can sleep through a party…just like Mommy. Click here if you can’t see the video above.
Janie’s 2nd Cousins came over today. We thought Janie was getting big but seeing her next to Sadie and Theo (now 5 months old and 14 pounds each) reminded us of just how small she still is at 2 weeks of age and 8 pounds. During the first photo, Janie was fast asleep and couldn’t be bothered to wake up for the group shot. The other two were taken after she woke from her nap and Theo didn’t really appreciate his newest family member leaning on him.
It’s Spring and 78 degrees outside so I’m wearing a dress today!
Janie’s uncle, auntie, and grandpa came up to visit this weekend.
This weekend, Ankong and Ama came up to visit Little Janie. They made a last-minute, very short trip this weekend because Ankong is heading to China for a month on Sunday night and Ama made a special ginger soup for Mommy to eat. Janie got lots of snuggle time with her grandparents.
Janie turned 2 weeks old today! She’s gotten longer, heavier, and even cuter! She’s been napping for longer stretches and eating like a champ, which probably means she’s in the middle of a growth spurt.
I took some photos of her up-close today to record this day. Happy Two Weeks, Baby Girl!
At 10 weeks gestation, Janie was just the size of a kumquat. When we read this, the name kind of stuck as her nickname for the rest of the pregnancy. To this day, we still call her Kumquat sometimes…especially when she’s being a little sneaky or fussy.
So, now at 2 weeks of age, I thought it would be nice to take some portraits of her with an actual kumquat.
This photo looks a little awkward but she didn’t really like holding the kumquat in her hand. It seemed like she was about to chuck it back to me at any second.