I took this photo today to capture the “lanugo” or fine, downy hair that covers Janie’s arms, shoulders, back, legs, and ears. It’s commonly found on newborns and she should be losing it in the next week or so.
bustin’ out
She’s gotten really good at bustin’ out of the swaddle. During this nap, we just let her arms free and this is how she ended up.
First Stroller Ride
It was a sunny 72 degrees outside so Janie got to take a ride in the stroller for the first time. Daddy went for a run while Mommy and Yai took her around the park with Koa. We also discovered that Koa is very protective of Janie when we’re outside. If he’s walking in front of her, he looks back every couple seconds to check on her.
What a scowl!
Check out this scowl. She got it from Daddy. Watch out boys, she’s going to be tough to please!
Time Together
One of our favorite things to do is hanging out in bed together in the middle of the day. Doesn’t it look like she’s telling us a funny story? Love it.
It’s a Janie burrito!
First Outing
Janie went on her first outing in the carrier today. It was 70 degrees and she was nuzzled in Daddy’s chest under a thin blanket the whole time. Mommy and Daddy got a nice long walk in the sunshine and Janie got a monster nap.
daily workout
At one week of age, Janie is lifting her head against gravity already! Tummy Time is hard but so important. Click here if you can’t see the video above.
Girl Time
Janie and Mommy got to have some girl time while Daddy surfed the internet.
Koa always wants so see what his little friend is doing.