School was closing early today so I had to leave work early to get there on time. It also happened to be Parent Day and I caught the tail end of it. When she saw me, she said “you’re late!” Oh well, at least I was there for some of it.
All the kids had a gift for their parents. Hers said “My mom’s job is to put Peanut to bed and to bring me my giraffe. Dad’s job is reading books to us.”
She also had a quick snack of strawberries, pound cake, and whipped cream before heading home.
On the board this month are new Words of Wisdom. The question this month is “How I Help My Mom and Dad”.
Janie said “I help Mom and Dad with Peanut. I put the bottle in the kitchen.”
She also drew this house on the table cover on the snack table. She pointed it out across the table and said the star at the top was for Mama “for doing everything by herself without Daddy”. I thought I was gonna cry.