Party Girl


This evening, Mommy hosted the annual “holiday” party for her co-workers.  It was in the Clubhouse and Janie was such a good little hostess.  We brought down her table and chairs and she shared with her gal pals Vivian and Sophie.


These kids are getting so big now and had fun playing with each other this evening.


At one point, we almost had a dance party but there wasn’t much dancing happening here. Instead, they preferred running around chasing each other.


Janie got a little bit of chocolate cake and was in heaven.


Look at that face!IMG_2140


Unfortunately, the evening ended with a little mishap with the patio door.  After numerous warnings not to play with the door, she closed one of them on her poor little thumb.  She came running to me crying and showing me her bruised thumb.  Auntie Mai checked out her finger and said it didn’t look broken…just a little cut and bruised.  We tried putting ice on it but Janie wasn’t having any of it.


Luckily, it’s not too bad and Janie settled down quickly.  She just sat there staring at her thumb the rest of the night. Whenever anyone came by to check on her, she didn’t say anything – instead, just showed them her thumb.


I guess you could say this was her first “party foul”.

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