Pee Pee Update


This morning, we were determined to get potty training started for real.  So, we set Janie up with a pee pee station with books and even a little table for belongings.  We also rolled up the rug and put her in underwear.  It started out well and Janie was so excited to play this “game”.  She sat on the potty just about every 15 minutes and for the first two hours, nothing was coming out.  She kept having accidents in her underwear whenever she wasn’t sitting on the potty.  Because she had wet three pairs of underwear with no success in the potty,  we ended up having her just hang out at home half-dressed.


Finally (2-3 hours into the morning), she said, “uh oh, pee pee” and sat down on the potty.  When she finished, she had to get my attention because at that point, I had almost given up.  Then I looked to find pee in the potty and a proud little girl standing next to it.  As a reward, she got a sticker on her potty chart and from then on, she totally got it.  By noon, she had 4 stickers and she was doing it all on her own!  By the way, this girl pees a lot!  We’re glad that this morning was successful but I don’t think she’s anywhere near being ready to go out in public without a diaper.  We’ll see how tomorrow goes.

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