It’s hard to believe that our Baby KK has turned five years old. She’s done so much this past year that it’s hard to remember what she was like a year ago. Here are some highlights:
- School: She made a smooth transition from her Preschool Alligator class to her Pre-K Whale class. She went over with at least 5 of her old classmates, which helped warm her up quickly to the new class, kids, and teachers. Her favorite teacher changes from time to time but she seems to enjoy Tiffany, Alina, and Roxanne the most. She made some good friends and her best friend was Sota (aka “Sota-Wota”). Sadly, he moved to Japan and she had to say her first real goodbye.
- Family: Janie has been a good to Peanut for the most part but they’ve had their moments of jealousy and disagreement. But in the end, we’ve seen her grow into a caring and protective big sister. She has become very independent and her commutes to school with Dada have gotten a lot smoother this past year.
- Self-care: She has mastered dressing herself, getting her backpack together for school, making her bed, and setting the dinner table.
- Trips: Mexico (September), Hawaii (December), Cerritos (x3), Disneyland (x2)
- Halloween: She dressed up as Lilo and we all went to Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland
- Accomplishments and Activities: Tried soccer and she’s still meh about it. Learned how to put her face underwater in Hawaii. Mastered the playground at school and at the playground in front of our new house – biggest part was sliding down a pole. Learned how to ride her Strider down a hill. Janie has learned to read and understands addition and subtraction. Her writing and drawing have also made huge leaps this year.
- Changes: We moved to Alameda and said goodbye to the San Francisco house. She learned a new commute to school and enjoys the ferry ride with Dada.
- Favorites: Octonauts, Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, playing outside, riding her scooter, DumDums from the bank, oysters, sushi, lemonade + water
- Stats: Weight 42.5 lbs; Height 42.25 in; Shoe Sizes 8/9/10; Clothes 4T/5T
Happy Birthday to our sassy, silly, independent little girl. Please don’t try to grow up too quickly.