We went to Alameda Bicycle to shop for a bike for Janie.
Peanut kept himself entertained in the store.
The nice bike store man brought Janie into the mechanics room to check out the color of the bike that was being built. She said “yes, that one!”
So, we paid for her new bike and then had to wait 30 minutes for them to finish building it.
We took a walk up and down the street and Peanut is getting a lot better in his slippers.
When the bike was ready, Mama and Peanut went inside to get it. I think Peanut approves.
We gave it a test run on the sidewalk outside the store but didn’t get very far.
She was better off trying at home with a helmet on and a wide driveway to practice.
We opted having the training wheels left on while she practiced pedaling, steering, and stopping.