Zoom Birthday

Janie turned 8 today and it was a very different birthday this year. We are in the heart of Shelter-in-Place here in California but still wanted to celebrate this special day.

Mama picked up party favors and gifts from Target on her way home, picked up cake from Baskin Robbins, and then had a virtual birthday party with the family over Zoom. Auntie Jia had sent a bunch of gifts this past week too.

Once everyone got online, we all sang Happy Birthday, she blew out candles, and then the presents were opened.

Toni and Thomas also drew a special birthday picture for her.

Happy 8th Birthday to our baby girl!

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More Inside Activities

Peanut helped Dada make salad today. He’s becoming quite the little helper lately.

Then we had dinner with Ankong, Ama, Toni, Thomas, Auntie Jia, and Uncle Jason over Zoom.

We had another family game night after dinner and played “SORRY!” This is how we spend our crazy Friday nights now. 🙂

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Alaska Cruise: Day 6

It’s Day Six of our Alaska Cruise: Ketchikan, AK

We are in Ketchikan today and had just enough time to have breakfast before heading outside.

Our window is always close to the port so we placed the friends at the window so they could see out the window while we were away.

Auntie Jia got each of the littles a polar bear that hugs your arm.

Janie got a harbor seal.

We booked a trolley ride today and hopped on for a quick ride around town.

Peanut got a front seat so he could see all the sights with an unobstructed view.

We stopped near a stream and the boys enjoyed watching Ankong play with the yo-yo he bought in town.

We also went looking for bears but they were all hiding today.

Back in town, we went to Creek Street to browse the shops built right over the creek that usually has lots of salmon running.

At dinner, Peanut played a mean game of Uno with Ankong but started to make up his own rules. He also had two servings of cocktail shrimp this evening!

Here is our towel animal for tonight. Is it a duck? A gorilla? We don’t know.

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