First Night in Mexico


After we checked into the hotel, it was time for dinner.  We had Christmas dinner at the restaurant on site and Janie didn’t have much of an appetite by then.  She just wanted to drink lots and lots of milk.  So, she spent all of dinner drawing and coloring with Ankong.


She drew a portrait of Ankong.  Those circles around the eyes are glasses.


She also drew Ama.  Funny girl.


After dinner, we all hung out in our studio for a bit before everyone went to bed.


The pull-out bed was a perfect bed for her.  Good night!

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This afternoon, everyone took a nap before dinner.  We actually had to wake Janie up to leave for Uncle Jason’s birthday dinner.


Luckily she wasn’t too grouchy about it.

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Dinner for Dada


It’s Daddy’s birthday tomorrow and we celebrated it a day early because Ankong and Ama are in town!!  Janie met up with them at our usual celebration spot, Hillstone.



When they arrived, they brought presents for Janie (yes, not for Dada).  She got a coloring set, puzzle, and some new clothes!  Thank you!!


After dinner, we ordered a key lime pie and Janie sang “Happy Birthday” to Dada.  She also tried to blow out the candle for him but she didn’t blow hard enough.


She also got to hang out with Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia during dinner.  What a fun evening!

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Ankong and Ama


Ankong and Ama called from Hawaii and Janie hung out with them for at least a half an hour.  First, she had dinner with them.

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She showed them how she could eat with her “tiny spoon”.


Then she went over to the window to serve them tea and ice cream.

She also took pictures of them with her ruler/camera.  She even says “Cheese. Take picture with camera”.

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Monday morning


On Monday morning, Ama had to go back to work.  Janie was up early enough to give her a big hug and hang out for a bit before she left.



Unfortunately, she wasn’t in a photo-taking mood so this was the best picture we could get that morning.

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