Warm Summer Night

warm night

We’re having some really warm nights lately so after her bath, Janie played in her diaper before getting her jammies on.  What fun!

warm night

She had a great time with her toys.


Then since she didn’t have any clothes on, it was the perfect time to take out the markers for the first time.  What a fabulous mess!


Thank goodness the markers are washable.

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This afternoon, Janie had a feather in her hair when I got home.


I turned on my camera and found these photos!  She went to the Creativity Museum again and made a little feather collage.  How cute.



Here she is assembling her collage.  What a big girl.


It was also a warm sunny day in SF so she got to wear shorts and sandals today.

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Children’s Creativity Museum


Mirian took Janie to the museum this morning with her pal Asher and his nanny who has a membership there. Who needs to buy toys when you have access to THIS place?!


When I came home, I found her first craft project on the table!  So cute!!  I’m not sure what it is…a Spring Chick?


Regardless, Mirian took my camera and got some cute photos of her playing and using a crayon and marker.  Love it.


This place looks like a lot of fun.  I’ll have to take her back there one of these days.

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