Motor Development

At Samuel Merritt University (where Mama went to graduate school), the kids were invited to be a part of a motor development class. The instructors work with Mama and the other participants were are buddies Hudson and Henry (Auntie Teresa’s kids). They did a great job performing in front of a giant class of PT grad students.

They demonstrated various gross motor skills and it was great to have kids of different ages (7, 6, 4, and 3).

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snowy morning


We woke up to snow on the ground this morning.  This was the view from our hotel room.


Both kids were up really early so we went down to the atrium for our free breakfast.


Janie got her choice of everything they had to offer and Peanut got a taste of oatmeal for the first time.

Before heading home, we went outside to play in the snow as it was still falling.



There was just enough snow on the railing to make snowballs.


Janie and Dada played catch with the snowballs they made.

On the drive down the mountain, it started to snow even harder, which was a little scary for the first hour. Luckily, everyone took it in stride and we got down safely without needing chains.

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balloon catch


The balloons from Auntie Jia’s shower ran out of helium overnight so Mommy cut off the ribbon and Janie made up a catching game with them.  She used this basket to catch them and also used her red shovel to hit it around the house.  This game lasted all day.

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