Merry Christmas!! We are gonna keep out PJs on until lunch today!
Christmas Day was spent at Toni and Thomas’ house with Round 2 of presents in the late morning.
Watch us grow!
Merry Christmas!! We are gonna keep out PJs on until lunch today!
Christmas Day was spent at Toni and Thomas’ house with Round 2 of presents in the late morning.
It’s Christmas Eve and the kids got to open some of their presents this morning!!
We opted for tiny Christmas trees this year. The kids still got to do some decorating and they turned out really cute!
We added some tiny lights to make them extra festive.
Mama also put lights up outside and inside the house. We are ready for the holidays!
Merry Christmas!! We all dressed up in matching pajamas this year!
Cousins came over early in the morning to exchange/open gifts!
Then we headed over to Toni and Thomas’ house to start the standing rib roast and make s’mores outside in the patio.
Janie helped out by peeling all the potatoes. Ankong helped keep the trashcan lid open.
It was fun watching all the kids play together.
All the kids got a new toy called a Springling. All had a different animal that comes with a spring-loaded container. They got really creative with how they played with them.
We had our annual Christmas get-together with Mama’s cousins and their kids. This year we made arrangements to buy $10 gift cards and each kid got to choose two.
This year we went to Home Depot to pick out a small one. The rule was that it needed to be no taller than Janie this year.
Here’s the tree we chose and we elevated it onto our coffee table so that it can be seen from the window.
Once Mama strung the lights, the kids hung the ornaments.
Here are this year’s ornaments: one from Alaska and the other from Vancouver!
We are ready for the holiday season!
We went to Toni and Thomas’ house for Christmas Day. The kids all got to play with each other while Dada and Uncle Jason prepared the standing rib roast.
Of course there were lots of presents to open that day. Some were opened in the morning and some were opened in the evening.
We love having everyone together again.
Merry Christmas!!
It’s Christmas Eve so we went to Disneyland!!! We got our tickets online so we entered the park via Monorail. Peanut was so excited because there’s a monorail in his truck book.
We rode a bunch of rides today and Peanut was fired up about “driving” Dumbo up and down.
Janie was a little worried at first but she rode Thunder Mountain Railroad TWICE and loved it. The first time, she sat with Mama and Alice. On the second ride, she got to ride with just Alice. She’s growing up too quickly.
At Critter Country, we got a family photo with Pooh. Janie was brave enough to give him a hug this year. Unfortunately, Peanut was not so into him.
When it was time for Peanut to take a nap, the girls took a ride to Tom Sawyer’s Island to do some exploring.
Peanut kept sleeping so we went on a few more rides.
One of those rides was Space Mountain!! Mama and Janie got a front seat and the ride was SO FAST!!
Here’s the photo that was taken of us at the end of the ride.
After Peanut woke up from his massive 3-hour nap, we hurried over the It’s a Small World
He was also fired up to ride the Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters ride.
Janie also rode Matterhorn for the first time even when Alice was too scared to go. We were so proud of her.
Peanut LOVED riding the Astro Orbitor
At the end of the night, we managed to get some photos taken in front of the castle. The middle one of the kids always makes me laugh.
Before heading home, we took a ride around the entire park on the Disneyland Railroad. The kids were able to stay up until the park closed at midnight. So fun!
What a fun day!!!
For dinner, we went to Toni and Thomas’ house. It was so fun to see the kids back together again.
After dinner, the kids decorated cookie. Some needed help with the icing but they loved putting the candies on their ugly sweater cookies.
What they enjoyed more was eating the cookies!!!
The kids woke up and starting playing right away.
Then Uncle Johnny, Auntie Joy, and Leela came over for breakfast. They also brough presents so we all opened gifts since we were going to be at Disneyland on Christmas Eve.
The kids got light sabers and Leela showed Peanut how it works.
The girls got LOL pets that came with some kinetic sand.
Peanut got a Paw Patrol puzzle and finished a few of them with Mama.