Daddy in France
Daddy has been in France since Sunday and so far we’ve been doing ok.  During dinner today, she was trying to remember where Daddy went and this was part of our conversation.


She’s talking about Squirt because he tagged along on Daddy’s business trip and has been sending photos of his adventures.  Janie gets a good chuckle out of them.

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On our drive home from school, Janie randomly shares this with me:

Janie: Mama, Alice (her friend at school) was eating boogers.

Mama: Seriously? Did you eat boogers too?

Janie: No. That’s gross.

Mama: Did you tell her it’s gross?

Janie: Yeah.

Mama: And what did she do?

Janie: She ate the boogers.

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Very convincing…

This kid is getting pretty good with her arguments.  This afternoon, she asked for a snack so I gave her some carrot and celery sticks.  This is what happened next:

Janie: I don’t want celery.

Mama: Why not?

Janie: It’s too hard to eat!

Mama: No it’s not.

Janie: It is! See? (Then she puts teeth marks into the celery without biting all the way through.”

Mama: Do you want me to cut it up?

Janie: Yes.

*sigh*  I guess I can’t really argue with her convincing argument with demonstration.

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Late Morning


This morning before school, Janie got to sleep in and had a little playtime before heading out to Mama’s doctor appointment.



At the doctor’s office, she waited patiently throughout the visit.  When Mama said that she had to get a shot in her arm, she said, “That’s owie. That’s no good.”  Then she gave Mama a big hug.  So sweet.

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Conversation in Traffic
There was a lot of traffic on the bridge this afternoon on our way home from school and work. Luckily, Janie has a lot to talk about. This is very typical of our commute home everyday. It’s usually non-stop chatter from door to door.

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Sick Day


At 3am this morning, Janie woke up coughing and was on the verge of throwing up each time.  I went to check on her and she was in tears and said, “I want to go over there.”  So, she slept on the sofa with a blanket rolled up as her pillow and had a blanket that could easily go in the wash.  The sofa is also a faux leather so it would be easy to clean if she did throw up.  She fell asleep almost instantly and I slept in the rocking chair next to her making sure I could be there in case she had another coughing spell.  Fortunately, she slept relatively well and I got a little shut-eye in spurts throughout the early morning.


She looked miserable when I got up for work so she got to stay home with Daddy today. For breakfast, she had a hard-boiled egg, soup, and fruit.


I got periodic updates from home and here are some of my favorite text messages from him:

Trying to work with the artist in residence composing songs about Mommy going to work in the background is not super effective.

“Time for drums” while Daddy tries to draft emails is also not super effective.


After the late-morning call, the two of them went out for lunch.  They had Japanese food and Janie discovered a more efficient way to eat noodles.  Daddy sent me the steps:

Step 1:  Hold out soup spoon.

Step 2: “Daddy you want to do it.”

Step 3: Profit.

She basically gets a bunch of noodles on her spoon at once instead of one at a time.


Daddy didn’t mind because she can finally shuck her own edamame out of the shells without help.


At the end of the meal, the manager came out and gave Janie a whole box of Pocky because he was impressed with how well she sat through lunch and also thought she was cute.  Boy oh boy…she is already benefiting from her cuteness.  Luckily, she was ok with just one stick before her nap.


She took a nice long afternoon nap and was still sleeping when I got home from work.  In fact, I had to open the blinds and bedroom door to wake her.  She also remembered right away that Daddy had promised her 2 more Pocky sticks after her nap.


Before dinner, Janie rode her tryke to Safeway to burn off the chocolate.


She also had some milk while she read the snake pamphlet that she got from the pet store last week.  Looks like quite a successful sick day for both Janie and Daddy.  She should be well enough for school tomorrow.

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Walnut Creek

Today afterschool, Janie and Mommy drove to Walnut Creek to visit Auntie Mai and her new baby girl, Sabrina.  Janie was a little hesitant around the baby so we didn’t get any pictures of her with the newest member of the Cheeksters.



Instead, she did some coloring with Sophie at the coffee table.  They didn’t say much to each other at Auntie Mai’s house.


For dinner, we went to The Habit for burgers and that was when these two girls really hit it off.



It was so cute watching the two of them sitting at the table having conversations with each other.

Sophie: It’s hot. You have to blow it. (referring to the fries)
Janie: Yeah, I can’t eat it right now.

Janie was pretty good with sharing her fries and pineapple.  She also had a funny conversation with Auntie Ranee.

Auntie Ranee: Where’s Daddy right now?
Janie: He’s at home.
Auntie Ranee: What is he doing?
Janie: He’s reLAAAAxing.

We got a good laugh out of that one.


Before heading home, we stopped at Sprouts to pick up some carrots, bell peppers, and cookies.

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This kid cracks me up:

Janie: I want more berries, please. (This is after having 2 helpings already.)

Mama: Nah, I think you ate enough.  You’re gonna poop blackberries tomorrow.

Janie: Hm. Sounds good!

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