Uncle Jason came over to make a s’mores thing that was part of an online baking class. The kids had fun watching and sort of helping.
The kids like to hang out and watch Dada cook. Let’s hope they’re learning something in the process.
Fish Biscuits
The kids spent the afternoon playing with PlayDoh and made a sheet pan of fish biscuits.
Peanut looks so proud.
Making Scrambled Eggs
KK has gotten really good at making scrambled eggs. She learned from her Daddy and uses SO MUCH BUTTER. But they’re really yummy!!
Making Katsu
Peanut helped Dada make katsu for dinner today.
Little Chef
Peanut helped Mama make dinner today.
Octopus Lunch
Janie helped make lunch today. She sliced the hot dogs and cooked them on the stove to turn them into octopuses.
They were added to the ramen that Daddy made for them.
Janie was in the mood to make smoothies so she made a list, did some shopping, with Mommy, and was ready to make them on her own!
Voila! It’s a very thick mango, banana, orange smoothie!
Super Bowl Refreshments
Janie received a kids’ cookbook for Christmas and picked out a few things she wanted to make for Super Bowl.
We each got a different drink to enjoy during the game.
New Year’s Eve
We are all so happy to say goodbye to 2020. To celebrate, Uncle Johnny made macarons and the kids helped out.
Mama flew back in time to enjoy some hot pot and to do the countdown to 2021. This was the first time spent NYE with the family all together. Happy New Year!