tea parties


Janie is back on pretend cooking and tea parties this week.  She was pretending to eat ice cream (green cup) this morning with her coffee (blue cup).



We also went outside to the courtyard to have a tea party with water.


Then when it got too windy outside, we moved it inside and added celery and carrots.  She made soup and ate all the veggies too.

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little helper


Mommy was making Rice Krispy Treats and Janie joined in halfway through.


She did a great job scooping the cereal very carefully and pouring into the other bowl while Mommy mixed.


She was so proud of what she helped make and got to have a little bit too after it was all done.IMG_4375

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This morning, Janie quietly played with her Nemo magnets.


She later helped Mommy make pancakes and enjoyed eating them just as much.



Mommy then took a late-morning nap and woke up to find her quietly eating a PBJ sandwich next to Daddy while narrating the photos on the slideshow that were playing on the TV.

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When it was time to nap, we put her in the stroller and took a nice long walk.

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She slept for at least 1.5 hours and woke up in time for our trips to Bed Bath & Beyond, Trader Joe’s, Peet’s Coffee, Muji, and Safeway on the way back. She sampled the avocado salsa in the Trader Joe’s and got a big cup of milk and fruit pouch from Peet’s.

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At Muji, she said she had to go to the bathroom so the nice lady let us use their employee bathroom in the stock room.  Good thing because Janie ended up having to poop.


What a relaxing AND productive Sunday!

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Sunday recap


Last night Daddy promised that Janie would be able to help make eggs in the morning.  So, this morning, she woke up and the first thing out of her mouth was “I need to crack the eggs”.  So we waited for Daddy to wake up and she got to crack and scramble the eggs for her breakfast.


Yum Yum!!


In the afternoon, Janie fell asleep with a fish pretzel on her chest while we were walking to Target.  She slept through our entire shopping trip downtown.


Once we got home, she woke up and headed out to Petco.  Next door was a frozen yogurt store where Janie and Mommy shared a little bit of tart frozen yogurt with strawberries.



At Petco, Janie was so excited to see a starfish in one of the tanks.


While we were in line to pay for some fish and plants, Janie found these cool stuffed fruit and vegetable toys.


For dinner, we had short ribs served with green beans,  Janie helped by squeezing lemon juice over them.


Before bed, Janie brushed her teeth and tried flossing on her own.  She flosses her front teeth really well but needs help with the molars.  Fortunately, she thinks it’s fun.

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I have this playdough set (a collection of tools and cutters) that I’ve had for work all these years and brought it home to try it out with Janie.  There was even a brand new canister of dough that was perfectly good after several years in storage.


She loved it right away and had fun making meatballs, pancakes, and cookies.



She also got to cut with her knife to make even smaller meatballs.


While on Facetime, she showed Yai and Ta all the tiny beans that she rolled.  Luckily, this activity was not as messy as anticipated.  Only one little bean escaped the table and we found it before it could get smushed into the floor.

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Cooking with Janie


Today, she is making carrot soup!



The carrots get combined with the water in a special cooking cup.



Then it goes in the oven (the chair).


Now it’s done!

Here she is in action. It’s like watching a cooking show!

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making celery soup


This afternoon involved a little more waterplay.  This time it was in the context of a tea party.  She asked for tomatoes to put in her soup but we didn’t have any.  I guess celery was a good substitute because not only did she enjoy playing with them, she ended up eating all the pieces too.


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