Last night Daddy promised that Janie would be able to help make eggs in the morning. So, this morning, she woke up and the first thing out of her mouth was “I need to crack the eggs”. So we waited for Daddy to wake up and she got to crack and scramble the eggs for her breakfast.

Yum Yum!!

In the afternoon, Janie fell asleep with a fish pretzel on her chest while we were walking to Target. She slept through our entire shopping trip downtown.

Once we got home, she woke up and headed out to Petco. Next door was a frozen yogurt store where Janie and Mommy shared a little bit of tart frozen yogurt with strawberries.

At Petco, Janie was so excited to see a starfish in one of the tanks.

While we were in line to pay for some fish and plants, Janie found these cool stuffed fruit and vegetable toys.

For dinner, we had short ribs served with green beans, Janie helped by squeezing lemon juice over them.

Before bed, Janie brushed her teeth and tried flossing on her own. She flosses her front teeth really well but needs help with the molars. Fortunately, she thinks it’s fun.