Free Kitchen

During our bike ride, we passed by this IKEA kitchen that was left on the sidewalk with a sign that said “FREE”. It’s a kitchen that we had seen so many times but never bought. The kids (and Mama) wanted it so once we got back to the house, Mama drove the van over and picked it up. It was in perfect condition with all the utensils and pretend food inside. After it was disinfected, we brought it into the house and the kids started playing right away.

Later that evening, Peanut continued to play and prepared Mama a special meal.

Look! He even make avocado toast!

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It’s Thursday and Mama has the day off to document what the family has been doing at home. Peanut helped Dada make waffles this morning.

Janie had her 9:30am Zoom meeting with her teacher and classmates.

Peanut did some of his Kindergarten workbook and then made a mailbox for his room.

The kids made a couple more Easter eggs for the window.

They also played with kinetic sand outside in the patio.

Janie’s friend across the greenbelt also came by and left her an early birthday message on the sidewalk outside our house. So sweet.

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Home All Day

This is the new normal for us. No longer are we spending all day going from one activity to another. In fact, the kids have not been in the car much these past two weeks.  Today, we cooked, we played games, and we cleaned. The kids love being home and not having to go to swim, kung fu, and soccer all day. Let’s see how much longer before they get bored.

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Thanksgiving 2019

It’s Thanksgiving! Janie made this cool art project at AIK last week. It was perfect for today.

In the morning, the kids sorted cranberries, Janie cut up the apple, and then helped make the cranberry sauce/relish.

She also helped with peeling the carrots and making the gravy with Dada.

Uncle Victor and Auntie Susie came over with Parker and Lil Boom for dinner. Peanut was a little hesitant around his new friend Parker but then warmed up to him quickly.

He helped feed him some puree and then built block towers for him to knock down.

Janie also got some snuggle time with Lil Boom.

We had another fun and tasty Thanksgiving and happy to have part of our SF family back in our home for this holiday.

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