Dada used Peanut as extra weight while doing some squats this morning.
Dinner in Rowland Heights
Auntie Jia had to work today so we all met up for dinner in Rowland Heights.
Peanut also practiced counting to 5 in Mandarin.
We also managed to get a photo of all the kids together.
Letters and Numbers
This afternoon, Janie practiced building letters with sticks. Let’s call this our version of summer school. 🙂
She also worked on building a calendar with this magnetic board that we got from Auntie Marie. She knows all the days and months of the year in English and Spanish but hasn’t actually put it all together before.
She did great from 1-10 but needed some help sorting through the pile for the teens and 20s. Not bad for her first try.
Lunch and Naptime
Just before Janie’s nap, we went out for lunch. While we waited for the food, Janie read her counting book with Yai.
She was also playing “teacher” with all of us and taught us our numbers 1-10.
I caught this photo of her eating and reading at the same time. Reminds me of stories I had heard of Daddy as a kid always reading and not wanting to eat.
Once we got home, we had a grouchy little girl who was in need of nap. Daddy read a few books to her and then it was lights out minutes later.
I thought she had forgotten but apparently she hasn’t. Here’s a video of Janie counting in 4 languages. She needs a little work on her teens.
flash cards
We brought these home from Yai’s house yesterday. It’s a pack of large alphabet and number cards that Auntie Marie had given to us. Maybe she can learn to count up to 25 with these! Thanks Auntie!!
coloring, counting, and drawing
mini books
Janie sat at the dining table for a good half-hour by herself. We opened the set of mini books she received from Auntie Jia and Uncle Jason today and had fun standing them up. If you don’t understand what she’s saying, one of the phrases is “one more book” when she’s standing them up. It’s cute to catch what she does when no one is sitting right in front of her. I also can’t believe she’s also trying to count them on her own. Maybe math will be her best subject in school.
heading home
On the shuttle, Janie was too tired to look out the window.
In fact, she fell asleep sitting up…just like her mommy tends to do.
At the airport, we had some lunch. Janie got more noodles and some veggies too!
Keenan is riding on the same plane again. Fun!
Janie did a great job on the flight home. Having her own seat really helped.
Unfortunately, she had a diaper malfunction and a little tummy trouble mid-way through the flight so we had to change her clothes. Luckily, she was fine for the last couple hours and even took a nice long nap too.
We were hanging out this morning and I thought I’d just test her counting. I’ve never had her try counting to 10 in all 4 languages in a row. I’m pretty impressed with this little sponge.