This morning, Yai took Peanut to school.
He played n a tunnel today.
When he got picked up, Yai gave him a bath, and he was in his pjs before Mama even got home.
It was a good day for this little guy.
Watch us grow!
This morning, Yai took Peanut to school.
He played n a tunnel today.
When he got picked up, Yai gave him a bath, and he was in his pjs before Mama even got home.
It was a good day for this little guy.
Mirian got some videos and photos of the kids at the park today.
These two are so cute together. It’s so fun to see them playing together.
This afternoon, we went to see a house that is for sale in Alameda. Peanut explored the house and tested it out for us. He really liked the level changes but it made Mama very nervous.
Peanut is such a little human now. It’s great that he’s starting to communicate what he wants. It took only one day to teach him the sign for “eat”. I know…it’s not a surprise considering it’s is his favorite pasttime.
We went around the city in search of a demo jogging stroller today. We stopped at REI and two Sports Basements before finding what we were looking for.
Janie had a fun time trying on sunglasses.
Peanut tried one on too…for about one second.
We put Janie in the stroller to test out the fit and weight with a full-sized kid inside.
Meanwhile Peanut was doing some exploring on his own.
Then his big sister joined in on the fun.
After the “shopping” was done, we drove down to Millbrae to have dinner with Uncle Bang. We stopped at the car wash on the way since the kids were napping.
After dinner, we went to a fancy Safeway nearby and Janie had fun hanging out with Uncle Bang.
During this trip, Peanut figured out how to climb steps. And there he goes!!
We had lunch at the pool bar and Peanut snuck out of the stoller on his own today.
He’s on the loose!
Once we got him back in, big sister kept him entertained.
Then it was back to our room for some quiet time. Peanut played in the crib and Janie got a little screen time. Aaaahhh…
Not sure what he was up to but it was funny watching him.
This big boy turned 10 months old today! Time has really flown by and our little baby is getting stronger, bigger, and more mischievous by the day. I’m surprised I was able to get a photo of him sitting still without trying to dive off the sofa or rip off the sticker.
Highlights from this past month:
Happy 10 Months, Peanut!!
Big sister is really dominating right now.
Peanut’s gonna have to step up his game soon.