Trial Lessons


Today was our day to try out the swim lessons/classes at Aquatech. Peanut went first at 9:00 am so Janie stuck around and drew pictures.


He cried and screamed for at least 15-20 of the 30 minutes in the class.


This is one of the pictures that Janie drew. She said the top left object was a chocolate waffle, there are two fish below it, then a waffle tiger (orange and yellow), and a cheetah.


Then it was her turn at 11:00. She was super nervous about getting in the water. She nodded “no” to everything. Eventually she did go in and did just enough to warm up to the thought of swim class. When it was all done, she said “I will do better next time now that I know what to do.” I hope she isn’t as much of a chicken next weekend.

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Neighborhood BBQ


This afternoon, we all gathered in front of Ellie’s house for a BBQ with 4 other families. The kids enjoyed helping themselves to the water. Gavin helped Peanut fill up his cup.


We had tables under the tree and the kids had fun sitting together with their snacks.


Peanut had his fair share of watermelon slices this evening and his shirt was a big mess by the end of the day.



He also had a corn on the cob with cool holders on the side.





Here’s our attempt at a group photo of all the kids – including the littlest guy born just a few weeks ago. From left to right: Ellie, Janie, Collin, Gavin, David, Francisco, Daniel, Peanut, Juliano, and Miguel.

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After picking up Peanut from school, we dropped Yai off at Oakland Airport. As soon as Yai said goodbye and closed the door, the kids burst into tears. They’ve really enjoyed a week with her and were already missing her.

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Warm Day


We had a warm sunny day in Alameda so we hopped in the pool before lunch. Peanut was not a fan of the water today but it may have just been too close to his nap time.


Janie, on the other hand, had a fun time floating around and getting some swimming lesson’s from Dada on the kickboard. She also put her head underwater at least 5 times.


As soon as we got home and rinsed him off, he was passed out in turtle mode. Poor baby.


Meanwhile, Janie rode her scooter to Safeway with Dada and bought ingredients for our tasty burgers grilled in the patio.


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We had a very rainy day today so it was perfect for doing some shopping. Peanut used his rain jacket for the first time and it was a perfect fit. He was not happy having the hood snapped up all the way.


Once inside, he was much happier – especially with samples to eat!

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Drop-off are still a little tearful.


Surprisingly, he sat down at the snack table and stopped crying just before I got up to leave. Then the tears returned.


In the afternoon, pick-up was fine (as expected) and he enjoyed going home in the stroller instead of the car.

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I think the first day of school really tired him out. He fell asleep in the car on the way back to the city and then woke up when we arrived at Lowe’s. Unfortunately, he didn’t get enough rest because he had a really hard time at the store.

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ED Visit


Last night, Peanut had a low-grade fever and I also noticed that his left big toe had a blister, was red, and warm to the touch. This morning, it was still looking pretty bad and he wouldn’t let me touch his foot. On the way to Janie’s soccer lesson/practice, I realized the hospital was our best bet for getting the toe looked at before the end of the long weekend. So, we went to the Children’s Hospital (where he was born) Emergency Department to find out if there was an urgent care clinic. They did not but their ED was not busy. So, we checked ourselves in to have the docs take a look at his toe. Initially, he did not want anyone to touch or talk to him.


Then a Child Life Specialist came in with bubbles and a cool driving toy to distract him. The docs got a good look at the toe and said it was a really bad ingrown toenail that had gotten infected.  They drained the pus out with a needle and bandaged him up with topical antibiotics.


We were out of there lickety split and in under 30 minutes.


Now we have to soak his foot twice per day to drain the pus some more and watch it heal. Hopefully the toe nail will grow back ok and won’t cause him any more pain.

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Last Full Day


It’s our last full day in Hawaii and the sun came out in full force! What a difference from yesterday’s rain! The kids were in the pool by 9am today and I’m not sure Peanut enjoyed being pushed around in the pool.


Before lunch, the girls went to the koi pond to feed the fish. Then Janie went to lunch with Dada while Peanut took his nap.


Once she got back, she was ready for more time in the pool. While she waited for Sophie to wake from her nap, she made a new friend, Dahlia, from Toronto. They played ball and hide and seek for a good hour.


Eventually, everyone woke up from their naps and Peanut was thirsty! It’s so cute seeing him copy everything his sister does.


Janie mustered up enough courage to go down the dreaded “big slide” today.

She said it was “too fast” and cried the second time she went down.

She also let Dada throw her up in the air and didn’t cry when she had to float herself back up to the surface.

Peanut loved the pool and didn’t seem too scared of the water.

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