Peanut was a bit upset this evening and there was nothing that Mama could do to make him happy. It was only until he got a hold of his puppy that he calmed. A few seconds later, he threw the puppy in frustration and then realized he still needed it. I only noticed today that he spins the puppy around while he sucks too. Funny boy.
Mama was cleaning the house and found these wooden blocks that had been stored away. When Peanut started playing with them, he started stacking them! It’s amazing how much he knows without anyone teaching him. This video is funny because it’s a typical interaction between him and his sister. She says she’s “playing” with him but then he ends up with only 2 cubes…maybe none.
Here’s a video of Peanut trying to get to his big sister’s tower (likely to knock it down) but gets hugged instead. Then he actually stacks 5 blocks all on his own!
grouchy morning
Mama got a text from Mirian this morning that Peanut didn’t want to play at the museum today. He cried for most of the morning. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him.
After the museum, they went for a walk around Yerba Buena Gardens and he was feeling better. When they got home, he was all smiles again, ate his lunch, and took his usual 2-hour nap.
Evening Dip
We went for one more dip in the pool this evening before dinner.
This time, we played in the middle pool with the shallow/sloped entrance.
Here are our multiple attempts at getting a family selfie.
This was the best we could do.
Here’s a flying Peanut and a photobomb by Janie while a beauty pageant photoshoot was taking place above her.
Janie had no problems falling asleep this evening. Looks like she had quite an activity-filled day.
boo-sad face
This little boy has the most adorable boo-sad face.
Funny little pout-pout fish…
Ferry Plaza
Peanut had his cool shoes on this morning and got to enjoy the Ferry Plaza on foot for a bit.
He was delighted to be out of the stroller with his sister.
This is our sad attempt at a family photo by the Bay Bridge. Apparently, the kids weren’t in a picture-taking mood at the time.
Peanut managed to get himself behind his toy boxes today and was pleased as punch to access his toys from a new angle.
I also noticed that has was standing without holding onto anything!
He also found the plants very interesting and tried to pull on the leaves. He got mad each time I said “NO” to him.
Rough Evening
Dada is in San Jose for the next 3 days and has been working late. He wasn’t expected home until very late (riding the train back) and Janie had a very hard time dealing with it for some reason. She kept saying “I want Dada to come home now.” It just started out as a pout with some whining.
Then it turned into this face and eventually some tears.
She finally went to bed and fell asleep by 10pm…way before Dada got home. She seems fine when he’s in France but then has a meltdown when he’s an hour-drive away. Weirdo.
Auntie Stephanie’s House
This afternoon, Peanut and Mama went to Auntie Stephanie’s house for a Bridal Shower. Peanut got to eat one of Auntie Karen’s salmon onigirazu. Yum!
He also got to hang out with his pal Max and they often fought over toys, food, and other things. In this match, it was over Max’s straw thermos. They both ended up crying. Boys will be boys…
Memorial Day without Mama
This Memorial Day, Mama had to go to work. Dada was home with both kids and it got off to a rough start.
Luckily there was a schedule to follow and Peanut was happiest when he was eating. Janie took a photo of Dada feeding him his breakfast. We’ve gotta teach her not to cover the lens with her finger.
Later that morning, Dada took them on an adventure to Safeway. Peanut fell asleep in the stroller while Janie helped pick out the groceries.
For lunch, they went to Little Skillet for fried chicken and biscuits.
Peanut had his milk and a second lunch. Dada thinks he ate more chicken than big sister.
When Mama got home in the afternoon, everyone was napping. Looked like Dada had a pretty successful (yet exhausting) day with the kids.