Janie is 11 weeks old today! This week, she found her thumb and has been babbling more. She also attended her first July 4th BBQ and fireworks show!
70 days
Janie is 10 weeks old today! This has been a pretty exciting week for her. She had her first laugh, starting batting at toys, has been mouthing her fingers, and slept 8 straight hours last night! To make things even more memorable, she cooperated during our weekly ducky photo. I got a smile and she even stretched out all the way to show off all 23 inches of her. Her hair also adds almost another inch. 🙂
64 days
Janie turned 9 weeks old yesterday! Thanks for the cute dress, Auntie Debbie!
56 days
Janie is 8 weeks old today! We think she’s about 13 lbs now but we’ll see next week at her 2-month check-up. This week she’s had more of a social smile and has been licking and sucking her hand.
49 days
Janie is 7 weeks old today! She just finished her 6-week growth spurt and we’ve officially packed away the rest of her newborn clothes. She looks unhappy in this photo because she had a poopy diaper.
42 days
Janie is 6 weeks old today! This week we’ve gotten her feeds to stretch to 3-4 hours more consistently and she slept 5 hours straight for the first time on Monday night! She’s also officially wearing her 3-month clothes now, which are a little big for her but the newborn stuff is way too snug. I guess she’s in between sizes right now.
35 days
Today, Janie is 5 weeks old! She was fast asleep for this photo and way too peaceful to disturb. She now weighs 11 pounds and measures 21.5 inches long. She still fits some of her newborn clothes but today I took out her 3-month clothes to see which ones she could start wearing today. We’re going to have to pack away some of her newborn clothes very soon. *sniff sniff*
28 days
Janie is 4 weeks old today!! Boy, time really flies when your life revolves around a little human.
21 days
Janie is 3 weeks old today! She looks longer and the duck looks fatter too. Weird. Earlier this week she had gone through a feeding frenzy and was a little fussier but just today she seemed to be back to her old self. She still fits her newborn clothes and diapers but we don’t know for how much longer!! This outfit used to go down to her ankles when she was born. Janie is now 21.5 inches long. That’s an increase of 1/2 an inch from last week!
12 days
This is the first of a series of photos that I’ll be taking as Little Janie grows. Señor Fatty Duck Duck will be the constant and he should appear to be shrinking as Janie gets bigger. She’s 12 days old today and has already grown an inch! I pulled out the tape measure this morning and she’s measuring 21 inches long. Is she going to outgrow her newborn clothes this month?! NOOOO!!!