Peanut had a very funny expression today when we picked him up from school. When we arrived, he was busy visiting his new classroom with his buddies from the Dolphins class.
Ethan’s Beach Party
We went to Crab Cove this morning for Ethan’s 4th birthday party. Ethan is his best buddy since they were 18 months old and have been in the same class the whole time.
It’s great to have a beach so close to home!
Everyone made sand castles and dug in the sand. Our shovels from the Dollar Store really came in handy!
Peanut also buried his buddy’s legs at one point.
Father’s Day Celebration
This afternoon, Peanut and his class did a little performance for all the dads. Dada couldn’t make it but Mama came to record the performance and enjoy some ice cream with him. He made this painted picture and sang a song.
This was their 4th time singing the song so Peanut looked a little less enthusiastic in this video. I just like this one because he’s standing up close and next to his best buddy Ethan.
Trucks with Ethan
Ethan came to play the playground today so they played with their trucks in the wood chips. So fun!
Busy Saturday
Saturday started at Maya’s house for her birthday party. She invited everyone in the Panda class so Peanut got to play with two old pals from their Butterfly class (last year’s class). While all the girls participated in the gymnastics class, he played cars with Franklin and Andersen.
After the party, Peanut rested on the sofa with Dada and watched one of the Avengers movies. That’s where he learned about Ironman and was so excited every time he appeared on in a scene.
After his nap, all the kids came out to play, including Ethan! They played with the remote-controlled car and Janie played on the swings with Gavin.
Peanut has been learning about space and the planets. He drew some planets today at school with his buddy Ethan.
Then later this evening, he wanted to draw more planets while looking at his space book. His favorite planet right now is Jupiter.
Letters and Counting
This week’s letter is F!
Peanut also worked on counting and sorting blocks.
Playing Together
Letters and Jumping
Peanut learned how to make the letter G with sticks today.
He also showed off his jumping skills.
Learning the Letter Y
This week’s letter is Y and Peanut and Ethan were practicing on their Magna Doodle boards.