Peanut and Ethan have been friends since their Honeybees class. They also moved up to Butterflies together and now Dolphins. Love how they truly enjoy playing with each other at school and at the playground in front of our house.
Share Day
Day Outside
The morning started with the kids playing together in their bedroom.
After swim, we stopped at Target and the kids had a little fun with the stickers they received from the cashier.
When then got home, they played outside with the neighborhood kids. Janie was using Peanut’s tricycle to deliver buckets of water to the other side of the park.
Ethan’s Beach Party
Ethan, Peanut’s pal at school, had his birthday party at Alameda Beach this morning.
These two play in the sandbox together almost everyday so this was extra fun! They even had a giant shovel for digging in the sand.
Peanut was front and center to sing “Happy Birthday” to his friend.
After the cake, they played parachute games and then went back to work in the sand.
Yellow Day
Playing at School
Busy Day
Peanut had a busy day at school and after. He had a special assembly and watched the Kindergarteners put on a puppet show. You can see him in the blue shirt covering his ears. Weird.
Then he played in the sandbox with his friends.
He also learned how to clean up after snack.
The teachers also took a photo of him napping. So cute…
Afterschool, we went to Mama’s old graduate school to show the students what normal development looks like. Auntie Teresa, Henry, and Hudson also participated.
Busy Bees
Peanut really stays busy at school with his buddies.
Janie and Gavin were also very busy building at AIK this afternoon.
School Pals
This evening, I found Peanut talking to a dad and little boy on the other side of the greenbelt. It turned out to be one his his classmates Ethan. They were so happy to see each other and played on the slide and swings together. It’s so fun to have so many friends living in our neighborhood!