drag and drop

I found this cute puzzle app before our trip to Hawaii.  Over a couple days, this kid figured out the skill of drag and drop along with completing each puzzle on her own.  Some people poo-poo screen time but when it’s done in moderation and with supervision, kids learn some pretty cool things.

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new fishies


We took Janie to Petco yesterday afternoon to pick out some new fish for the tank that we’ve had empty for the past month.


She liked the ones that move a lot so we bought 5 red platys.


In the morning, she got to feed them.


Caring for fish really works up an appetite!

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We went to SOMA StrEats for a quick bite to eat before heading over to Costco to buy Janie’s milk.


She loved the leftover garlic noodles (plus some peas) from yesterday’s lunch.


She’s also into pointing to things now and says something that kind of sounds like “that”.

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