It’s been over two months of SIP and the neighborhood kids have come out to play. They maintained their distance and played Foursquare and Dodgeball in our driveway this afternoon, which was refreshing to see.
Pokemon Cards
The boys next door came over to share/trade their Pokemon cards.
The lightsabers that the kids got from Uncle Johnny are really coming in handy this evening.
Water Play
It’s been warm this past week so the kids played with the water table this weekend and played “restaurant” yesterday.
The fun continued today but with a few more helpers in the restaurant that were less than helpful in the end. They all just ended up making a be wet mess. 🙂
2nd Graders
Jasper’s mom took this photo today. It’s gonna be a great year with Ms. Bliss!
Busy Saturday
We had an eventful Saturday. It started with the kids playing outside in the morning. They traded Pokemon cards and ran around as usual.
Then it was time to go to Hudson’s 2nd birthday party. Peanut enjoyed making a mask with lots of glue and sequins.
Right after that party, we headed to Zoe and Maya’s house to celebrate Uncle Jimmy’s birthday. The girls played school, which included the little girls being the teachers and assigned the big girls some math problems.
Janie and Peanut also played a little tee ball outside.
Gavin got a new toy for his birthday and they all had fun with it this afternoon.
Janie’s 7th Birthday
Today is Janie’s 7th birthday and it happened to fall on a Saturday! So, we celebrated on her actual birthday with Legos, Pokemon, smoked brisket and ribs, and cake.
We hired a group called Bricks4Kids to come and run activities for all the kids.
Mama also decorated the cake with Pokemon.
The kids all gathered around the table and sang “Happy Birthday”.
Janie also got to make the first cut in the cake.
She ended up with lots of presents and Ta called to sing “Happy Birthday” to her too.
What a fun party!
Busy Saturday
Saturday started at Maya’s house for her birthday party. She invited everyone in the Panda class so Peanut got to play with two old pals from their Butterfly class (last year’s class). While all the girls participated in the gymnastics class, he played cars with Franklin and Andersen.
After the party, Peanut rested on the sofa with Dada and watched one of the Avengers movies. That’s where he learned about Ironman and was so excited every time he appeared on in a scene.
After his nap, all the kids came out to play, including Ethan! They played with the remote-controlled car and Janie played on the swings with Gavin.
Back Together
With all the rain and short winter days, the kids haven’t been able to play outside much. We had some sun today and the kids were able to get together for some outside time. When it was time to eat lunch, the boys came over to keep them company.