Back to Reality

Waking up this morning for school was pretty rough. Luckily Mama had the day off to drop Janie of at school a little later and also took Dada to the later ferry too. Peanut came along for the ride and ended up falling asleep in the car so he stayed home with Mama.

By mid-morning, he had fallen asleep on the sofa. Being two hours behind (Hawaii Time) can really mess you up.

Janie did great at school and even made a plan with Gavin to do some building with the recycled materials they had collected.

The kids also played cards before heading to bed.

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Peanut’s 3rd Birthday Party

We celebrated Peanut’s 3rd birthday with a big construction party. Auntie Jia caught him stealing from the snack table while we were setting up.

The party was complete with trucks, sand, and bubbles.

We had lots of family and friends over to celebrate and it was fun to have everyone together.

Peanut was so happy to see his construction birthday cake, which Mama decorated with Uncle Jason’s help.

What a fun party!!

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Birthday at AIK

Mama brought cookies to Janie’s afterschool program (Alameda Island Kids) and everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to her. It was cute how the teachers knew that she didn’t like it when kids did the “cha-cha-cha” during the song so they told everyone “no cha-cha-cha, ok!?”

She picked the tables for snack time and sat with her crew of boys for their special snack.

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