For breakfast, Janie had cucumber and hummus. Tasty.
Warm Summer Night
We’re having some really warm nights lately so after her bath, Janie played in her diaper before getting her jammies on. What fun!
She had a great time with her toys.
Then since she didn’t have any clothes on, it was the perfect time to take out the markers for the first time. What a fabulous mess!
Thank goodness the markers are washable.
Alphabet Magnets
Alphabet Magnets a video by beakatude on Flickr.
Janie figured out how to get the magnet to fit into the alphabet player today. I’m so proud of her in-hand manipulation and problem-solving.
Thanks for the cool toy, Sophie!!
Chicken Toy
Could this be her next masterpiece in the making?!
Eating with a Fork
Eating with a Fork a video by beakatude on Flickr.
This is so cute. She’s making her OT Mama very proud. Those pasta wheels are perfect for learning how to use a fork!
Star Stacker
Star Stacker a video by beakatude on Flickr.
Janie stacked all four stars today! Woohoo!
Counting Coins
Janie’s counting her coins before bed tonight.