Afternoon at Home


I was putting away some of the clothes that Janie’s grown out of this afternoon and found this cute little top.  It’s size 2T but was pretty snug on her last December.  I had her try it on again today and it fits better now than before!  It’s as if her arms have gotten skinnier and so has her trunk.  So now this outfit is back in rotation!


She enjoyed the afternoon at home playing with her toys with Glee playing on the TV in the background.

Containers a video by beakatude on Flickr.

She sat quietly in the livingroom moving her toys from one container to another. It’s funny how serious she is about this task.

Dancing a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Janie’s also working on her dance moves. Now that she doesn’t have to hold onto anything, her bouncing is a little subtler than before. Looks like she needs a little more practice but it’s a good start.

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ring stacker

ring stacker

It’s so fun to watch her play.  This afternoon she got the star onto the base but couldn’t quite push it all the way down.  She’s so close!!


And here she is with her bucket of shapes.  Janie’s really enjoying the whole “taking out, putting back in” thing right now.

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Portland Airport


Janie had a good time at Portland Airport.  The flight was delayed an hour so she got to walk around and explore the place.


Here she is watching the rain fall outside.


She also got a little grouchy because it was running into her nap time.

Baby Treadmill a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Her favorite part was riding the moving walkways.  It was like a baby treadmill!



On the plane, she sat in an empty middle seat and played with her new Magna Doodle and flipped through her book.  She did great on our flight back to SF.

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Container Play

Container Play a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Janie learned “out” and “in” today while she was on FaceTime with Yai and Ta. Looks like she’s finally learned how to let go of stuff.  First the coins in the piggy bank and now this!  I guess now that she’s gone through her gross motor milestones it’s time for her fine motor and speech skills to have a turn.  This OT Mama is loving it!  I have a feeling Auntie Stephanie will be pleased too.  🙂

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Children’s Creativity Museum


Mirian took Janie to the museum this morning with her pal Asher and his nanny who has a membership there. Who needs to buy toys when you have access to THIS place?!


When I came home, I found her first craft project on the table!  So cute!!  I’m not sure what it is…a Spring Chick?


Regardless, Mirian took my camera and got some cute photos of her playing and using a crayon and marker.  Love it.


This place looks like a lot of fun.  I’ll have to take her back there one of these days.

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Peas and Carrots

peas and carrots

We gave peas and carrots another try tonight.  Last time I gave them to her, she got constipated because she didn’t chew them.  I watched her chew them this time and hopefully we won’t have the same pooping problem as before.  By the way, I love watching babies eat peas with their fingers.  Maybe it’s the OT in me…you know…pincer grasp, self-feeding…it’s all kinds of awesome.

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I love watching her play.


She’s also enjoying her new found skill of standing without holding on, which makes it fun to hold two toys at a time!


And there she is with her favorite shovel.  Just wait ’til you figure out what it’s actually for, Janie!!

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Janie seems really interested in my pen.  She discovered it a couple nights ago and tonight she figured out how to make marks on the paper.  Genius.  This makes her OT momma so proud.  This work of art will definitely need to go in the scrapbook.

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