The kids played their guitars and sang baby to sleep this evening. This is so cute on so many levels.
Little Elvis
Christmas Ukuleles
The kids received their very own ukuleles for Christmas this morning from Ta and Yai. Let’s hope they stay intact long enough to learn how to play.
new pjs and guitar
Peanut has been wearing his new Christmas pjs and they’re so comfy.
He’s also loving the little guitar that Ta gave him.
He said he was “working” when Mama was trying to take his picture this morning.
Cardboard Guitars
We made cardboard guitars this evening and Peanut was so excited!!
He picked it up and started strumming like he knew what he was doing.
Janie also joined in on the fun and drew the strings on her cardboard and cut out a paper pick too!
They gave some performances this evening on their two-level stage. Peanut played guitar and also was the lead vocal with a microphone.