Janie’s new buddy Gavin (next door boy) had his 5th birthday party today in the neighborhood. They had a pinata and Janie took a couple whacks at it.
The party was complete with cake and party favors. Fun!
Watch us grow!
Janie’s new buddy Gavin (next door boy) had his 5th birthday party today in the neighborhood. They had a pinata and Janie took a couple whacks at it.
The party was complete with cake and party favors. Fun!
For Cinco de Mayo, Ms. Rosi had the kids take turns stuffing the pinata with the goodies that all their moms and dads donated.
For lunch, they all helped make quesadillas and Peanut wore his medallion necklace on his head as a headband.
This afternoon, the kids had a pinata and Peanut did a pretty good job making some hits.
The playground at the ballpark was open today so we went inside to play. It’s nice to be able to play without the crowds.
Janie tried tee ball at the mini field and learned how to swing a bat.
We had to teach her how to hit, drop the bat, and run the bases. Initially, she’d hit the ball and then run toward the pitcher’s mound with the bat in her hand to retrieve the ball.
Peanut also got to explore the field and pulled himself up on the bench.
What a cute photo of Janie and her Dada.