Motor Development

At Samuel Merritt University (where Mama went to graduate school), the kids were invited to be a part of a motor development class. The instructors work with Mama and the other participants were are buddies Hudson and Henry (Auntie Teresa’s kids). They did a great job performing in front of a giant class of PT grad students.

They demonstrated various gross motor skills and it was great to have kids of different ages (7, 6, 4, and 3).

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Busy Saturday

We had an eventful Saturday. It started with the kids playing outside in the morning. They traded Pokemon cards and ran around as usual.

Then it was time to go to Hudson’s 2nd birthday party. Peanut enjoyed making a mask with lots of glue and sequins.

Right after that party, we headed to Zoe and Maya’s house to celebrate Uncle Jimmy’s birthday. The girls played school, which included the little girls being the teachers and assigned the big girls some math problems.

Janie and Peanut also played a little tee ball outside.

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Auntie Stephanie traveled back to California with her family this weekend! The kids got to hang out with Sophie, Avia, Vivian, Henry, and Hudson just like old times! We also met Vivian’s little brother Ethan for the first time.

They played “Just Dance” on our Nintendo Switch with the dads while Mommy got caught up with her old friends from Children’s Hospital.

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Happy Hour Gang

The kids went to Oakland for a graduation Happy Hour with Mama and her old work friends. Peanut hung out with his pal Hudson while Janie got to do some drawing/coloring with Henry, Sophie, and Avia.

We were all so proud of how well all the kids did this evening. It’s great to see them grow up together over the past 6 years. So happy to have our little CHO family together in one place.

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Pool Party!!

Janie had her 6th birthday party today and it was at Aquatech!!

The kids got an hour of free swim with all the floaties and toys available to them.

Peanut didn’t want to swim so he had lots of snacks.

After swimming, we all had pizza and snacks.

Then it was time for the birthday cake!

Henry and Hudson loved it.

Here are all the kids in one photo.

Janie also got a photo with her swim instructor who helped host the party.

Happy 6th Birthday, Big Girl!

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Busy Day


Peanut had a busy day at school and after.  He had a special assembly and watched the Kindergarteners put on a puppet show. You can see him in the blue shirt covering his ears.  Weird.


Then he played in the sandbox with his friends.


He also learned how to clean up after snack.


The teachers also took a photo of him napping. So cute…


Afterschool, we went to Mama’s old graduate school to show the students what normal development looks like. Auntie Teresa, Henry, and Hudson also participated.

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Henry’s Playground Party


Henry celebrated his 4th birthday at Astro Park/Playground this morning. It was a rocketship theme complete with cupcakes covered in rainbow rocks an stars.


The kids enjoyed the chocolate cupcakes – including Peanut!!!


I was in disbelief when he asked for one and actually ate a few bites.



Henry’s little brother Hudson was also enjoying his cupcake.


There were lots of bagels and fruit to snack on too!



The playground was fun too! Peanut loved the rainbow slide and bridge.

Janie showed off her monkey bar skills today and looked like the next American Ninja Warrior.

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Halloween 2017


It’s Halloween and there was a parade and trick-or-treating at Peanut’s school. He brought his costume and shared it with his class.


Janie got picked up early from school so that she could join in on the festivities. She was Mama’s little helper and passed out stickers to all the kids.


Here come’s Peanut and his class!!


Here’s Zoe in her Wonder Woman outfit!


Peanut did a great job staying in line with his class!


Here are the Paw Patrol pups, ready for action! Peanut was Rubble and Janie was Everest.IMG_9218 IMG_9219


This evening would be the kids’ first time trick-or-treating and buddies Henry and Hudson came over to join us! We had pizza together and then went out to get some candy!


Our neighborhood was filled with kids and lots of houses were giving out candy.


They had a blast! Alameda is a great place for these kids.

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