Day with Peanut

Peanut stayed home with Mama today because we had a dentist appointment scheduled for both him and Janie. The morning started with a surprise visit from a cement mixer that was working just steps away from our garage. Peanut was SO excited to see it so close to us.

After dropping Janie off at school, we came back and had about an hour to play. We had a quiet morning playing with trains and he had a fun time building and playing all on his own without big sister dictating what to do.

We later picked Janie up and drove to Walnut Creek. The kids had a few minutes to play at the video games before they were called in for their appointment.

The kids did a great job getting their teeth cleaned. Peanut also got his first set of X-rays taken!

They each had no cavities and each scored a new toothbrush and toy.

We picked up lunch afterward, ate on the drive back to Alameda, and got Janie back to school at the end of her lunch hour. Then Peanut went to the grocery store with Mama and had a fun time helping out in the shopping cart.

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Peanut’s Day

Peanut had a busy day today!

The teacher sent us a photo of him napping today. So cute.

When Mama picked him up, we went potty before getting in the car. He likes to look down to make sure the pee-pee makes it in the toilet. He has been dry all day and even takes his nap without a diaper too!

He’s also very good about washing his hands on his own.

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Morning in WC

This morning, both kids had a dentist appointment scheduled in Walnut Creek. They love going to Uncle Randy’s office because of the video games.

Janie went first and showed Peanut how it’s done. She has 3 out of 4 6-year molars already popped out and her x-ray shows her top front tooth ready to fall out with her grown-up tooth waiting in the wings.

When it was his turn, he opened his mouth and got a full cleaning with fluoride treatment. He got a new toothbrush and sticker, which made him so happy.

For lunch, we went to a bagel shop and got some chocolate milk. So lucky!

We also stopped at Whole Foods where Janie picked out some mochi ice cream and Peanut got to push a kid-sized shopping cart around the store.

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Sick Day

This morning, Janie was really emotional while going to school. Later this morning, Mama got a call from the school saying that she had a fever. So, she had to get picked up early and slept the rest of the day.

When Peanut got home, they took a nice warm bath together before going to bed. Hope she feels better soon.

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