Holiday Party

We went to Zoe and Maya’s house for their annual holiday party.

The girls played Pokemon and the littles shared a game on Maya’s tablet.

At the end of the night, the girls worked on organizing the play closet. They ha a lot of work to do!

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Last Day of Soccer

Today, Team Spain had their last game of the season. Janie did a great job as goalie (that’s her making the save) and almost scored at goal!

She had a lot of hustle and good footwork today.

After the game, the team met up at Linguini’s for a pizza party. Coach Henon also handed out trophies to all the girls.

Peanut sat with his buddy Evan while he ate his lunch.

We also got a cute photo of Zoe and Janie together. It was fun having Uncle Jimmy as our assistant coach this season!

As a special treat, Mama and Auntie Eleen walked Janie, Zoe, Peanut, and Aliya to the game store down the street. They have Pokemon card dispensers there!

For 75 cents, you can get 5 Pokemon cards from the machine. So fun!

We are so proud of our big girl. It was her first time playing on a soccer team and she made some big improvements throughout the season. She was also selected to play in the All-Star game in December but we will be in Hawaii that day. It’s too bad she won’t get to play but we still couldn’t be any prouder.

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Busy Saturday

Mama kinda overdid it today. We had a bunch of make-ups to do and they all got scheduled on the same day as Janie’s soccer game.

It started with make-up kung fu classes for both kids at 10:00 and 10:45.

Then it was off to Aquatech for swim make-ups for both kids at 12:00pm. We barely had time to grab lunch so we stopped for burritos on the way home and ate in the car.

Peanut was so tired that he fell asleep in the middle of eating his burrito. Poor guy. Once we got home, Janie had just enough time to change into her soccer stuff and Peanut continued to nap in the car parked in the garage.

We arrived at the soccer field by 1:50 to warm up for the 2:20 game.

Peanut enjoyed being a spectator and trading Pokemon cards with Evan.

Janie did well considering she was so tired from a full day of activity. However, her fuse was pretty short at one point and did better once she was moved over to Uncle Jimmy’s team to finish out their game as goalie.

Mama knows better than to schedule so many back-to-back activities in one day. We were so done after soccer that we also canceled on our dinner plans.

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First Soccer Game

Team Spain had their first soccer game and it was against Uruguay. Janie played goalie for part of the game and then got to kick the ball around for the other part of the game.

We brought our chairs and wagon for a full-on sideline experience with everyone.

Peanut also rode his Strider around on the baseball field.

Here’s a photo of the team in their uniform! Uncle Henon and Uncle Jimmy are the coaches this season and everyone got a pair of matching red socks with paw prints on them. We will wear them at all future games together.

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House Party

We went to Uncle Ian’s house today for dinner. All the kids sat together and Maya wanted to sit next to Peanut. She recently moved classes and hadn’t played with him in a while.

Dada and Uncle Jimmy smoked a brisket overnight and this was the moment they finally got to cut into it.

Looks great!

Meanwhile, Peanut and Maya had disappeared upstairs and they were found playing together with no one else around.

So cute!!

Peanut also ate his weight in watermelon this evening.

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Evening Meet-up


This evening, Janie went to Happy Hour with Dada and Uncle Jimmy. It’s nice that Dada’s usual after-work spot is just downstairs from her school.


Meanwhile, Mama and Peanut took a walk down The Embarcadero to meet them on their way home.


Brother and Sister were happy to see each other when they were in sight of each other.



So sweet…



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