We had a BBQ at Uncle Johnny’s house for July 4th this year. The kids played on the bounce house and in the tents. We also grilled and roasted marshmallows before the fireworks started at Artesia Park, Cerritos High School, and throughout the neighborhoods.
July 4th
It’s July 4th today! The day started with donuts and Animal Crossing.
Then we went to Toni and Thomas’ house for the day. Dada and Uncle Jason smoked some brisket and the kids played.
When the sun went down, we all stood in front of the house and watched the fireworks that Uncle Johnny and Mama bought. The neighbors next door took turns lighting theirs with ours. So fun!
Happy Birthday, America!
July 4th in Alameda
We celebrated our first July 4th in Alameda with style. Dada put up a U.S. flag on the front of the house and we purchased smaller flags at Daiso on Sunday for the parade.
We took the 21 bus to Otis and High and then walked down to the parade route along Otis.
We found a good spot, laid out the blanket, and waited for the parade to start.
There were lots of cool things to see including a fire engine, mini BART train, boy on a robot dinosaur, a zebra, horses, marching bands, and lots of floats with music playing. Here’s a fun fact: the Alameda July 4th Parade is the largest and longest July 4th parade in the country!
After the parade, we walked to the shopping center and had lunch at Bowl’d.
I think the kids really appreciated the shade and cooler temps inside the restaurant. They got to work on their coloring while we waited for the food to arrive.
Peanut really enjoyed the noodles today.
Then we waited around in the shade for the festival to start. Janie went into the bounce house (totally free!) and then we found the petting zoo (also free!).
Janie got to pet a duck, goat, pig, chicken, and rabbit.
Peanut really liked the piggy.
We had so much fun celebrating during the day that everyone was asleep before the fireworks came on the TV. Happy Birthday, America!! Yay!
July 4th
It’s Janie’s first July 4th and she went to a BBQ at Rowan’s house and watched the older kids play.
Here’s her outfit for the day. Thanks Auntie Debbie!