These two little girls worked hard on their Halloween bags at the museum today.
Janie loves the sandbox. I have to literally vacuum the house every afternoon because our floor is always littered with sand that falls out of her shoes, pants, and jacket.
Life is good for these two girls.
Special Performance
The library had a special performance this morning instead of the usual story time today. They took a group photo with the performers and it looked like the girls were too busy looking at the big red lady.
These two are so funny together. They give each other hugs all the time and Mirian caught them in action today at the library. Mommy and Daddy are a little jealous because we hardly get this kind of affection from her nowadays.
back to the museum
The Children’s Creativity Museum was closed for a couple weeks to add some new stuff. It’s open again and Janie had a good time.
Check out these two girls riding in their dope ride with their shades on.
Playing with Cars
It’s been fun watching Karla and Janie play side-by-side. Koa gets into the mix too sometimes.
This morning, Mirian came over after we had been away for a week. As soon as she heard her voice, she cried so loudly! It’s too bad because today marks Janie and Mirian’s one year anniversary together. Here she is later in the day. We’re still not sure why she cried this morning.
Here’s photo from the first day they met.
She’s learned so much from Mirian and we are so happy to have Karla as her playmate too.
Group Hug!
I witnessed this group hug this morning. So cute! if you look carefully, Janie is grinning in the middle.